Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Legislative Supremacy of Parliament and the Separation of Powers Essay

Legislative Supremacy of Parliament and the Separation of Powers - Essay Example Constitution in a codified form is one which is written or contained in a single document and is a single source of law in a state. There are 3 types of constitution:- 2) Entrenchment - It is the second fundamental feature of constitution. It tells us whether the constitution is legally protected from modification without a procedure of constitutional amendment or not. The procedure of modifying a constitution is called amending. Amending an entrenched constitution requires wider acceptance. 3) Distribution of sovereignty - Sovereignty means right to have a full control over a governance's area by a group of people or an individual. Sovereignty is an important part of constitution and it is located or seen in a state. There are three types of distribution of sovereignty: 4) Separation of powers - Constitution usually explicitly divides power between various branches of government. The standard model, described by Baron de Montesquieu, involves three branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial. Constitutions vary extensively between these branches. 5) Lines of accountability - This feature of constitution explain that who is accountable to whom. In other words we can say that who has the right or the supreme power to appoint or dismiss the ministers. Parliamentary supremacy or legislative supremacy is a well known concept in law that applies to parliamentary democracies. ... 2) Lower house known as the 'House of Commons'. 3. The third component of parliament is 'Queen'. 4. The government of UK is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. 5. UK's constitution is uncodified. 6. UK's constitution is not entrenched i.e. no special procedure is required for modification. 7. UK's constitution is unitary i.e. sovereignty is ultimately contained at the centre. In other words we can say that sovereignty resides only in the centre of the state. 8. UK's constitution throws a light on the concept of separation of powers i.e. it involves three branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial. 9. In UK's constitution the line of accountability derives from the monarch or head of state, a component of Parliament. Definition of Parliamentary supremacy and Separation of powers:- Parliamentary supremacy or legislative supremacy is a well known concept in law that applies to parliamentary democracies. Under this a legislative body has absolute sovereignty i.e. it is supreme to all other government institutions. In other words, it is the supreme power and has all the authority and it may change or repeal any prior legislative acts. Parliamentary supremacy exists in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. The doctrine of parliamentary supremacy may be summarized in three points: Parliament can make law concerning anything. No Parliament can bind its successor (that is, it cannot pass a law that cannot be changed or reversed by a future Parliament). No body except Parliament can change or reverse a law passed by Parliament. Separation of powers is a political doctrine (In Latin known as "doctrina", which means code of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions.) under which the legislative (a type of representative

Monday, October 28, 2019

Is Doubt the Key to Knowledge Essay Example for Free

Is Doubt the Key to Knowledge Essay As a student currently taking the International Baccalaureate, I constantly question the differences between the several areas of knowledge which I study. In a period where technology shows constant developments which trigger new discoveries and establish new facts, a critical outlook is essential in order to assess the validity and limitations of knowledge claims that arise within these fields. The twenty-first century has been called the age of information, where individuals have the ability to communicate freely and where knowledge becomes increasingly accessible. This seems to create an environment where knowledge prospers freely, and where doubt is gradually becoming extinct. However, many still argue that this new age of information bombardment creates a false sensation of certainty, and a series of unsupported convictions. Almost all areas of knowledge have a particular way of achieving values of truth, when that is possible whatsoever. This is directly linked to the ways of knowing in Theory of Knowledge, (emotion, perception, language and reason) as well as through the methods each field uses in its attempts to explain something, or to reach truth. Furthermore, it is important to recognize the several â€Å"paradigm shifts†, as in the term first coined by Thomas Kuhn[1], that change the perception and methods through which we acquire and interpret knowledge, as well as our definition of truth. Scientific certainty derives from countless experimentations and observations, and many debate whether scientific truth can ever be reached. History, on the other hand, is rigorously based on personal experience and interpretation of individual accounts, which allows for partiality and bias. This essay aims to evaluate and distinguish these two areas of knowledge, as well as determine the possible legitimacy and certainty that can be obtained from the knowledge claims produced in each field. Historical analysis is one the most controversial areas of knowledge, possibly due its extremely ambiguous and uncertain nature. Historians may disagree over the causes and consequences of nearly any historical event. It is important to remember that history is based on paradigms. As a result, it s almost impossible to find a particular period in history which has not been marked by disputes between historians, attempting to determine what actually happened. Thomas Carlyle, a 19th century historian and teacher at the University of Edinburgh, once stated that â€Å"The history of the world is but the biography of great men†, an allusion to The Great Man Theory, one of the many paradigms that have bent the shape of historical analysis. If we take the Second World War as an example, it seems as if the historical context of the war is seen through the actions of men such as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Winston Churchill. Another paradigm that can be observed in historical thought is the â€Å"Rise and Fall† concept, which tends to evaluate the history of empires and historical powers in terms of two phases: the ascent and decline. Examples of this paradigm can be found in many titles of history books: â€Å"The Rise and Fall of the Holy Roman Empire[2]†, â€Å"The Growth and Decline of the French Monarchy[3]†, â€Å"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich[4]†, amongst others. Furthermore, as we analyze the history of the Second World War, we also find correlations with another historical paradigm, best exemplified by the famous proverb: â€Å"History is written by the victor†. The argument proposed is quite clear; those who triumph at War and reach power will inevitably influence and determine the course of history. In order to better illustrate this claim, two extracts follow, concerning the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941; the first, a broadcast by Winston Churchill to the British people, and finally a speech given by Adolph Hitler in Berlin, proclaiming the invasion of the USSR: â€Å"At 4 oclock this morning Hitler attacked and invaded Russia. (†¦) A non-aggression treaty had been solemnly signed and was in force between the two countries. †¦) Then, suddenly, without declaration of war, German bombs rained down from the sky upon the Russian cities. (†¦) Hitler is a monster of wickedness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [5] Winston Churchill, London, June 22 1941 â€Å"National Socialists! (†¦)The German people have never had hostile feelings toward the peoples of Russia ( ) Germany has never attempted to spread its National Socialist w orldview to Russia. Rather, the Jewish-Bolshevist rulers in Moscow have constantly attempted to subject us and the other European peoples to their rule. (†¦) which were particularly severe for Germans living in the affected nations. †¦) The purpose of this front is no longer the protection of the individual nations, but rather the safety of Europe, and therefore the salvation of everyone. May God help us in this battle. † Adolph Hitler, Berlin, June 25 1941[6] Analyzing both speeches, the difficulties of validating a historical account become quite evident, since there are always several perspectives concerning a specific historical event. As it relates to the ways of knowing, history is extremely dependent on perception and language, making it particularly hard for historians in hindsight to corroborate one account over the other and recognise its legitimacy. However, offering a personal perspective, I would most likely tend to support Churchill’s account of the 1941 Nazi occupation of the USSR. Yet, after exposing the uncertainties and ambiguity of historical knowledge, I begin to question whether or not my perception would differ, had Hitler and the Axis’ forces won the war. Unfortunately, it seems that would most likely be the case. Science is widely regarded as one of the most reliable fields of inquiry. When considering its potential for accurate and impartial conclusions, my initial response was to consider the scientific method the ideal, archetypal model of discovery. History seems simply too inseparable from human emotion and interpretation to produce a constantly indisputable account of facts, while science appears to be the most reliable and precise area of knowledge, solely based on rationality, empirical evidence and observable patterns. The scientific method, starting with a predicted hypothesis, followed by an experiment, collection and interpretation of data, which ultimately leads to a conclusion which could be repeated by any other scientist, gives the impression of being the perfect â€Å"truth formula†. On the other hand, when looking at the progress of science over time, it is important to realize that, together with the other areas of knowledge, real certainty can never be achieved in science. Even when scientific models survive repeated testing which fail to disprove them, they cannot be universally accepted as truths, but only provisional truths that are simply given functional certainty. The Caloric Theory[7], introduced by Lavoisier, was once a commonly accepted theory that was discredited in the 19th century by the mechanical theory of heat introduced by Carnot[8], which later on evolved into the science of thermodynamics. This supports the claim that scientific â€Å"truths† only exist on their specific â€Å"scope of applicability†[9]: â€Å"Science progresses through trial and error, mostly error. Every new theory or law must be skeptically and rigorously tested before acceptance. Most fail, and are swept under the rug, even before publication. Others, like the luminiferous ether[10], flourish for a while, then their inadequacies accumulate till they are intolerable, and they are quietly abandoned when something better comes along. Such mistakes will be found out. Theres always someone who will delight in exposing them.  Science progresses by making mistakes, correcting the mistakes, then moving on to other matters. If we stopped making mistakes, scientific progress would stop. † [11] In conclusion, it seems that uncertainty will always be an indissoluble part of every area of knowledge. We can also conclude that historical and scientific knowledge have an incredibly different way of explaining and interpreting things, mostly due to the ways of knowing, or according to which filter each area of knowledge attempts to express their ideas, and draw conclusions. While many may argue that the main purpose of these areas of knowledge is to explain and generate answers, some would say that their aim is inquiry, and their purpose is to generate questions. If we analyze these fields in hindsight, it is hard to dispute the claim that what we now consider hard facts are simply theories waiting to be discredited by the progress of our existence. Although at first I found myself to be disappointed with my findings, I stand corrected. The pursuit of knowledge, the quest for truth, is a never ending cycle of discoveries, and most importantly rediscoveries. Once we are certain of anything, we kill this cycle, we close the book, and the entire process loses significance and context. In the human drive for knowledge and higher awareness, as in the questions that generate the angst and sorrow of human consciousness, there can never be an unquestionable truth, an indisputable answer, for certainty is an illusion.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Affirmative Action :: essays research papers

Affirmative action has two distinct meanings. The first definition of affirmative action refers to individuals having equal opportunity without regard to their sex, race, and religion. The second meaning is almost exactly the same, except that it is directly related to sex, race, and religion. Affirmative action was brought about to ensure the freedom and rid of discrimination in many different situations. For example, many "Upper Class " jobs, such as government employment, were rarely ever given to the minority classes. Although, affirmative action has had numerous negative impacts despite the fact that it was created for the good of society.( The United States authorized the Civil Rights in 1964, as a result, many problems were brought about in society and the way it functioned. Many disadvantages and consequences were faced for people with physical complications such as those with handicaps or the elderly. In time, the problem became greater and something had to be done in order to resolve this issue. On September 24, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson made Executive Order #11246 official at Howard University which required federal employees "to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed..without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." Without knowing so, President Johnson had created one of the most problematic and ironically one of the most segregated legislations.(Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia) At first affirmative action was made in order to assist the under privileged people of America which was highly discriminated against when the Civil Rights act was brought about. There was social conflict, economic stress, and racial tension did not make the position of those with no source of income any easier. Was it a coincidence that most entrepreneur, business leaders, and managing positions in the United States was held by white males? It did not take long before the majority realized that the business leaders and corporate executives were discriminating towards minorities and those not of the same race, religion, or sex. President Johnson's choice was highly approved by most of the middle and lower class people. Naturally, the leaders, executives, and managers did not think highly of President Johnson.(Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia) Not so long after the legislation was passed, many minority groups were already seeking revenge and were looking to take advantage of the newly implemented affirmative action laws. The main minority group that was affected by the new laws were those of African-American decent.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Project Management Chapter Notes

These tools provide basic project management features and generally cost I than $200 per user. Smartened and tablet APS are available for much less, but the y often have Limited functionality. Low end tools are often recommended for small projects and single users. Most of these tools allow users to create Gaunt charts, which cannot be done easily us inning current productivity software. Midrange tools: A step up from low end tools, midrange tools are designed to handle larger rejects, multiple users, and multiple projects.All of these tools can produce Gaunt c harts and network diagrams, and can assist in critical path analysis, resource allocation, project tracking, and status reporting. Prices range from about $200 to $1,000 per user, or less per MO nth for online tools. Several tools require additional server software for using workup feat rues. Microsoft Project is still the most widely used project management software in this ca destroy, and t has an enterprise version, as desc ribed earlier and in Appendix A.Students and deed actors can purchase software like Microsoft Project at reduced prices from sites like www. Journey yet. Com ($139. 95 for Project Professional 2010 in 2012), and anyone can download a trial verse on from Microsoft's Web site. Many other suppliers also provide trial versions of their product Weighed tools: Another category of project management software is high end tools, sometimes referred to as enterprise project management software.These tools provide robust c abilities to handle very large projects and dispersed workups, and they have enterprise an d portfolio management functions that summarize and combine individual project information t o provide an enterprise view of all projects.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Language Essay Essay

Introduction Language is universal way to express how a person feels. So of course, it is essential in cultures to express their individuality within life. Most of the time people do not put a lot of speculation on what mental processes may be taking place subconsciously. These mental processes allow a person to think, speak, and express their personal thoughts through language. In order to properly analyze that language, cognition must be a part of the mental processes too. In this essay, we will delve deeper into how language and cognition are associated. Language & Lexicon Language is an efficient and consequential use of information, which can be both comprehended and used by all living things. It is also the communication of thoughts to language. According to Merriam-Webster (2014), cognitive psychology can be defined as, â€Å"a branch of psychology concerned with mental processes (as perception, thinking, learning, and memory) especially with respect to the internal events occurring between sensory stimulation and the overt expression of behavior.† Accordingly, when a person or animal learns to understand through the use of language, and with the capacity of that language, there can be a cognitive process that helps to separate humans from animals. Language is completely generative, dynamic, structured, and communicative. In language, a lexicon is known as the vocabulary or psychological language. A lexicon can hold many different types of words, which can also include how to pronounce a word, and the parts of speech for each word (Galotti, 2014). A lexicon is used to help a person understand words that are spoken, and their meanings. The spoken words are compared to a person’s lexicon, which is how a person can understand what the word is. It could be near impossible to understand a language or vocabulary without lexicons. The use of lexicons are a very important part of a person’s language. Key Features of Language There are many key features that make a language. The following are the main properties: generative, communicative, dynamic, and structured. Language is considered generative because, a person has an unlimited capacity as to how they build their personal languages. Language allows people to communicate with one another, and it also allows other animals to communicate within the same species as well. Language is dynamic because it is forever changing, and also develops people into having larger vocabularies. Lastly, the structure of language plainly shows exactly how convoluted it truly is. The great thing about language, is that it can adapt and expand as a person learns more information. New words can be added to a language or vocabulary, while others can be erased or updated (Galotti, 2014). Language development is different for each person. Some people are able to learn language through their cognitive functions, but sometimes, it takes more time. For an example, with children, they have to learn everything, which includes their own names, how they are feeling, how to express feeling, and objects. But they also have to learn how to use the vocabulary they are learning. Lastly, the feature that influences more cognitive processes, mainly languages that can influence thoughts. It works in a rotating structure, language helps to influence thoughts, and language also helps to regulates thoughts. A person always uses language in order to interpret their own thoughts. The main reason that language influences thought is because thoughts are when a person is consciously speaking to themselves. Levels of Language There are four different levels of language in reference to the structure and processing, phonemes, words, sentences, and texts. Phonemes are the tiniest part of sounds or units that can be used by people in order to form words. Phonemes are a person’s sounds of speech, which is similar to each letter in the alphabet. The main dilemma with phonemes are that each person’s creation of them are different. When a person studies phonetics, they are studying speech sounds and their physical properties. Words help a  person make sense of phonemes. Words are made up of by multiple spoken sounds. A sentence is, of course, a set of words which complete themselves. A sentence will also allow a person to organize their thoughts when they are preparing to speak, or to write something. A text helps a person connect sentences in order to form a small amount of information, or a paragraph. These usually help to explain a specific topic, and always have to be about one topic. All four of these structures are a crucial part of language. To put this more easily, phonemes lead to words, words lead to sentences, and sentences lead to texts (Galotti, 2014). Analyzing the Role: Language Process & Cognitive Psychology In order to properly analyze the role of processing language, a person has to first understand cognitive psychology, to study mental processes. Mental processes give a person the ability to think, believe, perceive, solve problems, make decisions, remember, learn, reason, and adapt. By using these mental processes a person can begin to understand and comprehend language, and with that, the process of the language is used. If a person does not understand the language’s structure, that person will not have the capability to understand texts, sentences, words or phonemes, which all make up a language. With lack of perceptive abilities, a person may not comprehend language, with all of its entirety. Cognitive processes help determine how the language is processed within the brain. When a person begins to learn and understand language, the cognitive process is in use. Conclusion The cognitive process known as language drives a separation in between humans and other beings. The lexicon contains words in which people can use to compare other words or parts of speech. There are multiple key features of language. These key features, as stated above are, generative, communicative, dynamic, and structured. With all of these features, language can become very intricate. If a person were to completely understand each one of these key features, they will be able to understand and comprehend how necessary they are to be used within language. Also, it is crucial for a person to analyze the role that cognitive psychology plays within the process of language. Cognitive psychology is important in many aspects of a  person’s life, but especially in the language process. References: Cognitive Psychology. (2014). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from Galotti, K. M. (2014). Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OneChild essays

OneChild essays One Child is a true story about a girl named Sheila who had an alcoholic father who abused her. She was placed in a classroom for people with behavior problems. All of her previous teachers thought that she was lost, that no one could reach her, until her teacher Torey Haden (the author) reached out and cared for her. This book may give you many emotions, but you will find this book very touching. Torey is a teacher for children with behavior problems. She had nine children, and one assistant named Anton, he had not wanted the job, but the people at welfare told him he had to take the job. There were some children with some very serious problems. There was a beautiful child with long blonde hair, she looked almost perfect, and her name was Susannah Joy. She was a child schizophrenic, she hallucinated, and she heard voices. There was Taylor, who was a suicidal child, she had drunk toilet cleanser, and it had eaten away at her esophagus. There were other children with other very serious problems. They had problems adjusting at first, but as the time went on, they became a real class. It seemed to good to be true, when the principal told them that they were going to have another student named Sheila. Earlier Torey had read about this child, she had taken a three year old boy, tied him to a tree, and burned him. He survived, but he was in critical condition. Sheila was going to be taken to the state hospital for psychological treatment, but they had to wait for an opening. Until then, she had to go to school. When Torey found out she was going to be in her class, she didnt know what to expect. She was a very wild child. She had terrible tantrums; she would destroy every thing in her way. Until one day, she ran into a corner, and she was terrified. Torey talked to her. The reason she was such a bad child was because her mother had abandoned her on the side of the street. Torey told her, that she didnt whip kid ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Computers in Our Future essays

Computers in Our Future essays Over the past half century, computer technology has transformed our world by providing us with incredible tools for processing and communicating information. A number of organizations have recognized the importance of computer technology. The computer has come a long way since it was first invented, which put the power of technology in the spotlight. Through the years there have been many advances with the help of computers. It is now common to see computers in every classroom. The impact of the computer on America has been enormous. Everyone is amazed by what the computer allows people to do. With the benefits that a computer is equipped with, the computer is almost a mandatory thing to have in the home, at work, and especially in schools. At the heart of this new age is the advent of the personal home computer. The computer is considered one of the most technological advances of the twentieth century. As the general public becomes increasingly computer literate,' the gap betwee n technology and peoples' intellect notably shrinks. Dont know anything about computers? Dont think they are a big part of your life? Think again! Computers are wondrous machines that improve our lives in many areas like education, entertainment, and work. The use of computers in and out of school has made improvements in the way we learn. There is hardly anybody around who can say computers havent influenced their lives. Computers have all but taken over society, as we know it. Computers deciphering speech, cars commandeered by satellite and miracles of miniaturization are a reality. Are you ready to take advantage of this technology? The current information technology mediums, such as the Internet pose exciting new opportunities for researchers and educators. Voice recognition along with these other new advances in technology is going to vastly increase the computer accessibility. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Creating a Genealogy Research Plan Like a Detective

Creating a Genealogy Research Plan Like a Detective If you like mysteries, then you have the makings of a good genealogist. Why? Just like detectives, genealogists must use clues to formulate possible scenarios in their pursuit for answers. Whether it is as simple as looking up a name in an index, or as comprehensive as looking for patterns among neighbors and communities, turning those clues into answers is the goal of a good research plan. How to Develop a Genealogy Research Plan A major goal in developing a genealogy research plan is to identify what you want to know and formulate the questions which will provide the answers you seek. Most professional genealogists create a genealogy research plan (even if only a few steps) for each research question. The elements of a good genealogy research plan include: 1) Objective: What Do I Want to Know? What specifically do you want to learn about your ancestor? Their marriage date? Spouses name? Where they lived at a particular point in time? When they died? Be really specific in narrowing down to a single question if possible. This helps keep your research focused and your research plan on track. 2) Known Facts: What Do I Already Know? What have you already learned about your ancestors? This should include identities, relationships, dates and places that are supported by original records. Search family and home sources for documents, papers, photos, diaries, and family tree charts, and interview your relatives to fill in the gaps. 3) Working Hypothesis: What Do I Think the Answer Is? What are the possible or probable conclusions that you hope to prove or possibly disprove through your genealogy research? Say you want to know when your ancestor died? You might start, for example, with the hypothesis that they died in the town or county where they were last known to be living. 4) Identified Sources: Which Records Might Hold the Answer and Do They Exist? Which records are most likely to provide support for your hypothesis? Census records? Marriage records? Land deeds? Create a list of possible sources, and identify the repositories, including libraries, archives, societies or published Internet collections where these records and resources can be researched. 5) Research Strategy The final step of your genealogy research plan is to determine the best order to consult or visit the various repositories, considering the available records and your research needs. Often this will be organized in order of the available records likelihood of including the information youre looking for, but may also be influenced by factors such as ease of access (can you get it online or do you have to travel to a repository over 500 miles away) and cost of record copies. If you require information from one repository or record type to be able to more easily locate another record on your list, be sure to take that into account. A Genealogy Research Plan in Action ObjectiveFind the ancestral village in Poland for Stanislaw (Stanley) THOMAS and Barbara Ruzyllo THOMAS. Known Facts According to descendants, Stanley THOMAS was born Stanislaw TOMAN. He and his family often used the THOMAS surname after arriving in the U.S. as it was more American.According to descendants, Stanislaw TOMAN married Barbara RUZYLLO about 1896 in Krakow, Poland. He immigrated to the United States from Poland in the early 1900s to make a home for his family, settling first in Pittsburgh, and sent for his wife and children a few years later.The 1910 U.S. Census Miracode index for Glasgow, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, lists Stanley THOMAS with wife Barbara, and children Mary, Lily, Annie, John, Cora, and Josephine. Stanley is listed as having been born in Italy and immigrating to the U.S. in 1904, while Barbara, Mary, Lily, Anna, and John are also listed as having been born in Italy; immigrating in 1906. Children Cora and Josephine are identified as having been born in Pennsylvania. Cora, the oldest of the children born in the U.S. is listed as age 2 (born about 1907).Barbara and Stanle y TOMAN are buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Glasgow, Reade Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. From the inscriptions: Barbara (Ruzyllo) TOMAN, b. Warsaw, Poland, 1872–1962; Stanley Toman, b. Poland, 1867–1942. Working HypothesisSince Barbara and Stanley were supposedly married in Krakow, Poland (according to family members), they most likely came from that general area of Poland. The listing of Italy in the 1910 U.S. Census is most likely a mistake, as it is the only record located that names Italy; all others say Poland or Galicia. Identified Sources 1910, 1920 and 1920 census for Stanley Barbara TOMAN/THOMAS in Cambria County, PennsylvaniaPassenger lists for the ports of Philadelphia, PA; Baltimore, MD; and Ellis Island, NY.Marriage records for the children born in PolandSocial Security Death Index and Social Security application records (SS-5) for Barbara and Stanley TOMAN/THOMASNaturalization records for Stanley, Barbara, Mary, Anna, Rosalia (Rose)or John Research Strategy View the actual 1910 U.S. Census to confirm the information from the index.Check the 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census online to see if Stanley or Barbara TOMAN/THOMAS were ever naturalized and to confirm Poland as a country of birth (disprove Italy).Search the online Ellis Island database on the chance that the TOMAN family immigrated into the U.S. through New York City (more likely they came in through Philadelphia or Baltimore).Search for Philadelphia passenger arrivals for Barbara and/or Stanley TOMAN  online at FamilySearch or Look for the town of origin, as well as indications of possible naturalizations for any of the family members. If not found in the Philadelphia arrivals, expand the search to nearby ports, including Baltimore and New York.  Note: when I originally researched this question these records were not available online; I ordered several microfilms of records from the Family History Library for viewing at my local Family History Center.Check the SSDI to see if Barbara or Stanley ever applied for a Social Security card. If so, then request an application from the Social Security Administration. Contact or visit the Cambria County courthouse for marriage records for Mary, Anna, Rosalia, and John. If there is any indication in the 1920 and/or 1930 census that Barbara or Stanley was naturalized, check for naturalization documents as well. If your findings are negative or inconclusive when following your genealogy research plan, dont despair. Just redefine your objective and hypothesis to match the new information youve located so far. In the above example, initial findings prompted an expansion of the original plan when the passenger arrival record for Barbara TOMAN and her children, Mary, Anna, Rosalia, and John indicated that Mary had applied for and become a naturalized U.S. citizen (the original research plan included only a search for naturalization records for the parents, Barbara and Stanley). The information that Mary had likely become a naturalized citizen led to a naturalization record which listed her town of birth as Wajtkowa, Poland. A gazetteer of Poland at the Family History Center confirmed that the village was located in the southeast corner of Poland- not too terribly far from Krakow- in the portion of Poland occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire between 1772-1918, commonly referred to as Galica. After World War I and the Russo Polish War 1920-21, the area in which the TOMANs lived returned to Polish administration.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Art - Essay Example   Art started before anyone had even recognized it. It was like in the cave man times when things were written on walls and it was passed on by others in the tribe by an example of what others had done or their own interpretation. It started 40000 years ago as a form of people expressing their thoughts. Research shows that artwork began at the same time when human beings advanced in making tools (James, 87). In this case, artwork started as a way of keeping records for future references. It is used to let the current generation know how their culture should be.SurrealismSurrealism is a recent painting style that shows different images together to provide a startling effect. The images are usually illogical with dreamlike standards about them. Such is like the given picture.This is another modern art style where the artist knows that an idea is very important that the artwork itself. In the given picture the conceptual artists believe that it will be completed by the people viewing it.Pop artThis happened as a reaction to expression that happened in 1950s and the British at that time believed it was art that was further taken to the current time. In the case of the given picture, the main reason of the artist is to let the current generation know what happened in the past .This is painting which really looks like a photograph. It is normally influenced by pop art and it is like a reaction to expressionism like the picture given really looks like a photograph.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing Construction Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Construction Project Management - Essay Example Managing Construction Project Management It is clearly stated in the Standard Forms of Contract in UK that the building contractors are not made responsible for the building construction delays due to â€Å"exceptionally inclement weather†. However, the act of protecting the building contractors from project delays due to â€Å"exceptionally adverse weather conditions† is commonly used by almost all architects and building construction companies as a legal excuse for not completing a building project on a timely basis. Extreme changes in weather does not only cause delay on project deadline but also leads to the increase in mitigation costs, changes in the building technicalities, delayed completion of project payments, changes in the building design, and possible problems related to labour management. In line with this, Eggleston revealed that â€Å"an adverse weather should never be considered as a legal ground for contractors’ failure to perform their contractual obligations†. Building projects are usually defined by its scope, the available budget, and scheduling. Aiming to minimize the risk of future construction delays caused by adverse weather, this report will focus on discussing the significance of weather when making assumptions for the bidding and scheduling phases of the new construction project. Aside from discussing the partial and/or total ownership of risks associated with extreme weather events, the long-term extreme weather condition will be assumed based on the current scientific information that will be gathered and thoroughly discussed in this report.

Listening carefully to the use of the female voice, research the Essay

Listening carefully to the use of the female voice, research the womans silence, articulateness, and her scream with regard to Carson and Choins claims about - Essay Example This is reflected in the new stories that we make up in our films and on television. However, this does not mean that these concepts can’t change. As the ideas surrounding the female voice have been explored by Hollywood during the course of its history, the female voice, and ideas about it, is seen to be undergoing a subtle shift, gradually acknowledging that the woman’s voice has greater strength than she has been given credit for or been permitted to use. To gain a greater understanding of the female voice, a brief history of the voice will be explored as foundation for discussion of current views which will be applied to specific films emerging from Hollywood either created or depicting different time periods. From very early history, women have been defined as a sort of sub-human who existed only on the margins of civilization yet strongly contained within this civilization. In discussing the role of women in ancient Greece, Anne Carson () illustrates how Alkaios uses the women’s voices around him to illustrate his isolation and exile. Alkaios writes that he is among the wolves, which are animals associated with the outlaw because they exist on the fringes of the community, living in the wild off of the leavings or extraneous elements of civilization. â€Å"Women, in the ancient view, share this territory spiritually and metaphorically in virtue of a ‘natural’ female affinity for all that is raw, formless and in need of the civilizing hand of man. So, for example, in the document cited by Aristotle that goes by the name of The Pythagorean Table of Opposites, we find the attributes curving, dark, secret, evil, ever-moving, not self-contained and lacking its own bounda ries aligned with Female and set over against straight, light, honest, good, stable, self-contained and firmly bounded on the Male side† (Carson: 124). Part of the origins

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managing Employee Appraisals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing Employee Appraisals - Research Paper Example These risks include but are not limited to high rate of employee turnover, and low quality of products or services that the organization offers to the clients. Management of performance appraisals is a fairly demanding task. The management in organizations is often too busy to consider such issues, and the amount of effort required to maintain a healthy, practicable, and fully functional performance management system makes it seem more of a hassle than a good practice, but the reality is otherwise. According to DeNisi and Pritchard (2006), the research surrounding the topic of performance appraisal has attracted a lot of criticism because of the overemphasis placed on the psychometric issues. It is equally important for the appraisal research to place emphasis on and explore the effective systems of performance appraisal that can inculcate the motivation in the employees to improve their performance. Some of the most important components of the effectiveness of employee appraisal inc lude the perceived level of accuracy, fairness, and satisfaction on the part of the employees because these perceived reactions of the employees can serve as the motivational factors to help them improve their performance. ... It is linked with a range of outcomes of employee appraisal like motivation of the employees and their satisfaction with the appraisal. Achievement of their satisfaction is extremely important for the management because employees can only be motivated to improve their performance once they have the confidence that their past performance has been judged fairly. In all cases, the more transparent the system of employee appraisal, the better it can be understood by the employees and their perceived reactions to it are likely to be more positive. Considering the importance of a well-developed, organized, and transparent system of employee appraisal, use of software for performance management is fairly common in a lot of industries ranging from healthcare to construction and schools. One such software that is suitable for use in the healthcare industry is HealthcareSource Performance Manager. This software makes the process of healthcare performance management quite simplified with the au tomation of the content and workflow for competencies, performance reporting, training, and performance appraisals. The software provides the management with a structure and an efficient reminder system that places emphasis on the achievement of goals and makes the documentation, chasing, and communication quite convenient for the management. Improvements made to the employee appraisal with the use of the HealthcareSource Performance Manager include improved on-time completion ratio of employee appraisal, improved communication in the organization, consistence between the goals of the organization and those of the employees, and minimized time

Coca-Cola Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis Essay

Coca-Cola Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis - Essay Example Naturally this means that the organizations must develop their internal capabilities to the extent that they will be difficult for competitors to imitate or substitute. This paper conducts an internal analysis of the Coca-Cola Company in order to delineate those resources and capabilities from which it derives its strength as well as those competencies that it either lacks or poorly executes and as such are its major weaknesses that competitors could exploit. The paper begins with an evaluation of Coca-Cola’s tangible and intangible resources that lead to its strengths then uses the value-chain analysis to bring out and then analyze the company’s weaknesses. Analysis Resource and competency analysis According to Henry (2011) whereas the existence of resources is important, by themselves they do not confer any benefits to the organization. It is how efficiently these resources are configured that provides the organization with competencies that allow the organization t o achieve competitive advantage. ... company able to blend ingredients into the unique Coke formula X -Ability to continuously come up with new products and/or expand product lines -Managing the world’s largest beverage distribution system (Coca-Cola, 2012) also effective in franchising -Enterprise Value: US$ 173.46 billion (Yahoo! Finance, 2012) -Current Ratio above 1 from 2009 to 2011 (EBIT Financial, 2012). -Return on Equity, Operating margin and Net margins have been double digits since 2007 (EBIT Financial, 2012) Financial - Has the resources for R&D, market development, market expansion and so on. -Company’s efficient in turning its product to cash - Ability to consistently deliver profits reassures investors and other suppliers of financial capital -146,200 employees Human -Also has a strong diversity and inclusion policy that enriches its talent pool - Holds secret formula X Intellectual / technological -Own and market four of the world’s top five nonalcoholic sparkling beverage bran ds: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Intangibles -Intelligently exploited the mystery of Coke’s formula X for market positioning -Renown for superior advertising and other market promotion techniques From the table above three key strengths emerge. Firstly, Coca-Cola has a remarkable global presence. This enables the company to leverage its economies of scale to weaken the power of its suppliers as well as its customers. Also, this global presence implies that the company is able to balance its performance in slow economic regions with that from booming economic regions to sustain its profitability. Secondly, the company’s healthy financial position even during the global recession gives it a good credit rating. This means the company can easily raise additional capital for various strategic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing Employee Appraisals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing Employee Appraisals - Research Paper Example These risks include but are not limited to high rate of employee turnover, and low quality of products or services that the organization offers to the clients. Management of performance appraisals is a fairly demanding task. The management in organizations is often too busy to consider such issues, and the amount of effort required to maintain a healthy, practicable, and fully functional performance management system makes it seem more of a hassle than a good practice, but the reality is otherwise. According to DeNisi and Pritchard (2006), the research surrounding the topic of performance appraisal has attracted a lot of criticism because of the overemphasis placed on the psychometric issues. It is equally important for the appraisal research to place emphasis on and explore the effective systems of performance appraisal that can inculcate the motivation in the employees to improve their performance. Some of the most important components of the effectiveness of employee appraisal inc lude the perceived level of accuracy, fairness, and satisfaction on the part of the employees because these perceived reactions of the employees can serve as the motivational factors to help them improve their performance. ... It is linked with a range of outcomes of employee appraisal like motivation of the employees and their satisfaction with the appraisal. Achievement of their satisfaction is extremely important for the management because employees can only be motivated to improve their performance once they have the confidence that their past performance has been judged fairly. In all cases, the more transparent the system of employee appraisal, the better it can be understood by the employees and their perceived reactions to it are likely to be more positive. Considering the importance of a well-developed, organized, and transparent system of employee appraisal, use of software for performance management is fairly common in a lot of industries ranging from healthcare to construction and schools. One such software that is suitable for use in the healthcare industry is HealthcareSource Performance Manager. This software makes the process of healthcare performance management quite simplified with the au tomation of the content and workflow for competencies, performance reporting, training, and performance appraisals. The software provides the management with a structure and an efficient reminder system that places emphasis on the achievement of goals and makes the documentation, chasing, and communication quite convenient for the management. Improvements made to the employee appraisal with the use of the HealthcareSource Performance Manager include improved on-time completion ratio of employee appraisal, improved communication in the organization, consistence between the goals of the organization and those of the employees, and minimized time

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment about ethics 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

About ethics 3 - Assignment Example tson has added a condition element to the metaphor of â€Å"Business is a game†, proclaiming it to be the â€Å"greatest game in the world if you know how to play it.† It means that those who are not expert in their business are bad players of the business game. For the founder of Multinational Corporation like IBM, running successfully the company could be a game or the greatest game, as Watson is assumingly the expertise of his business line, but for Hamington this conceptual metaphor contains ethical shortcomings. The basic problem is related to the outcomes of assuming business as a game depend on our understanding of the world view. As business functions are performed on ethical notions, rules of games can not be applied on them. A business activity can not be morally free unlike games that follow their self-designed code of behavior. A business needs to be conducted as per legal principles. If business is taken to be a game in the limited scope, it makes random use of false statements and half-truths to conceal the wrong procedures. A business needs to be legal and at the same time profitable too. Hamington has cited Carr time and again to relate to business ethics, which are devoid of individual morality. Carr finds similarity between business and game by stressing on playing the game of business like a game player (Hamington 476). Hamington finds flaws with the metaphorical notion of â€Å"business as a game†. According to Hamington, doing business like a game â€Å"compartmentalizes† morality. It is just like changing the rules of the game according to the situation; if it favors the player to mold business ethics, rules become elastic enough to be restructured and if it does not find favor with the business interests, rules are adhered to (Hamington 477). Quoting Wasserstorm, Hamington explains compartmentalization through â€Å"role differentiated behavior† of professionals, which reduces the importance of ethical considerations in business. Professionals

Monday, October 14, 2019

Girls dancing Essay Example for Free

Girls dancing Essay The failure of Parris to determine a cause for the girls dancing leads to another key character, Reverend Hale of Beverly. From the moment he enters the act, he is portrayed as a man of arrogance and over confidence. Yet, he seems embarrassed when Proctor praises him, contradicting his exterior demeanor. In the early course of the play, Hale is a force behind the conviction of so-called witches and he is continually probing people to confess. Like most of the other characters in the play, Hale himself is also afraid of the unknown, despite his experience with incidents of this kind in the past. He remarks that no matter what religious status an individual may occupy, they may still be accused of dealing with the devil. In a clear contrast to the beginning of the play he appears uncertain if the girls are telling the truth, but is reluctant to show his suspicions until the very end of the play. Tragically, his suspicions are told too late, as the trials no longer remain in his hands. His reluctance to speak what he actually believed in condemned many more people, which means that Hale is a key figure in showing how innocent people can be convicted and murdered so easily by the girls. John Proctor plays the most prominent role in the play, as Arthur Miller gradually brings him into the affray as more and more people become convicted, one of whom is his wife, Elizabeth. Proctor is regarded as a strong figure in the society of Salem, yet his past life continues to haunt him however, as he has committed the sin of adultery with none other than Abigail Williams herself before the play. Once the trials begin, Proctor realises he can stop Abigails rampage through Salem, if he confesses to his sin of adultery. This would ruin his reputation in the society, so he is reluctant to confess. This likens Proctor to Reverend Parris at this stage, as he they are both intent on keeping their good reputations. Towards the end of the play however, this changes as Proctor is prepared to lose his reputation by confessing to adultery and finding the truth. His confession arrives too late however, as the matters in the court have gone too far. This now likens him to Reverend Hale, as both of them form an invisible alliance in the courtroom, as both know that Abigail is manipulating the judges and is clearly lying. Proctor is also portrayed as an un-Christian being in the mind of the court when Hale questions him about his Christianity. This lack of religious belief in him is a key factor in the court proceedings once Proctor is brought before them. However Miller creates sympathy with the 20th century audience for Proctor by creating hostility towards other characters. The sympathy is also shown at the end of the play when Proctor refuses to give up his name in order to establish the truth. This gives the audience the impression that Proctor is a man of integrity and is willing to give up everything for the truth. Judge Danforth is the key figure in the condemnation of the accused persons. He is, like Parris, portrayed as a man intent on keeping his reputation rather than finding the truth. He enters the play as the trials begin, having no background knowledge of what has gone on in the society before the trials involving Proctor and Abigail, and has no knowledge of peoples ways of thinking and attitudes towards others. These factors ultimately are the main reasons why people are convicted in Danforths court, and not because of witchcraft. During the court case in act three involving Proctor and Abigail, all the truthful evidence that Proctor gives against Abigail is ignored by Danforth, as he is easily distracted by Abigails lies. This shows that Danforth and the courts justice is flawed. The flawed justice of the court is another clear reason of how Salems society is able to convict people so easily. He also expects people to side with the court by saying: A person is either with this court or against it. This shows that if you were against the court then you would be persecuted. During the case, his justice is frequently questioned, which angers him, as he is not used to having his justice questioned.. Danforths belief in the truth fluctuates, as there are points where he begins to doubt Abigails story such as where he studies Abigail for a minute. However, to wash away all of Danforths doubts Abigail pretends to have visions. This works on every occasion, and therefore proves that the courts justice is again flawed if it can be manipulated so easily by a mere 17-year-old Christian girl on a quest for love. The cause many people would believe of the outpouring of accusations and convictions in Salem would be Abigail Williams, but the detail that surrounds the events is immense. There are many different key figures surrounding the deaths and all play a large part in the events that took place after the dancin occurred.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Contemporary Marketing Assignment On Ferrari

Contemporary Marketing Assignment On Ferrari Ferrari S.p.A. is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929, as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles as Ferrari S.p.A. in 1947. Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One, where it has had great success. Ferrari has produced a number of concept cars, such as the Ferrari Mythos. While some of these were quite radical (such as the Ferrari Modulo) and never intended for production, others such as the Ferrari Mythos have shown styling elements which were later incorporated into production models. The most recent concept car to be produced by Ferrari themselves was the 2010 Ferrari Millechili. A number of one-off special versions of Ferrari road cars have also been produced, some of which have been commissioned by wealthy owners. One of the examples is the Ferrari P4/5. The Special Projects program is collaboration by Ferrari with Italian automobile coachbuilders such as Fioravanti, Pininfarina, and Zagato to build custom cars using selected Ferrari models as a structural base. The first car under this program is the SP1, commissioned by a Japanese business executive. The second is the P540 Superfast Aperta, commissioned by an American enthusiast. Ferrari has considered making hybrids. A F430 Spider that runs on ethanol was displayed at the 2008 Detroit Auto Show. Ferrari has announced that a hybrid will be in production by 2015. At the 2010 Geneva Motor Show, Ferrari unveiled a hybrid version of their flagship 599. Called the HY-KERS Concept, Ferraris hybrid system adds more than 100 horsepower on top of the 599 Fioranos 612 HP. Ferrari is a myth and a legend in the automotive industry. The Ferrari tale is one of an astounding and unique worldwide success. An unparalleled one. Ferrari success cannot be measured in terms of revenues and sales, or in terms of market capitalization. Ferrari never made an IPO and is not even quoted in any stock exchange market. Ferrari success has to be measured only in terms of Brand Value and Product Value. Probably the Ferrari brand is worth more than the Google brand, the Apple brand, Nike, GE, IBM, BMW, Mercedes, Exxon, Shell, or any other brand. No other brand has the allure of the Ferrari Brand. Ferrari is known and is highly valued everywhere in the world. Yet, Ferrari never spent a penny in advertisement. HISTORY: Enzo Ferrari was born in Modena Italy on February 18 1898. He came from a well to do family that owned a metal foundry making railroad parts, they were the first in his town to own a car. When WWI came Enzos father and brother (Dino) were drafted into the Italian army, whom both died from influenza in 1916. Enzo was forced to leave school to run the foundry, when the business collapsed he started work as a metalworker at the Modena Fire Brigade workshop in order to support his widowed mother. Enzo himself was later drafted into the Italian army where he worked shoeing mules for the mountain artillery, after a few months he becomming seriously ill and was released from the military. Not interested in going back to shcool and against his mothers will, he found work as a test driver in Turin in late 1918. Enzo then moved to Milan to work at CMN (Costruzioni Maccaniche Nazionali) as a racing car driver. His first real race came in the 1919, the Parma-Berceto, he then entered the Targa Fl orio that same year. Enzo then founded Scuderia Ferrari, (literally means Ferrari Stable) who were mainly sponsers and trainers for Alfa Romeo. He was officially hired by Alfa Romeo as head of their racing department in 1938, then in 1940, upon learning of the companys plan to take control of his beloved Scuderia, he quit Alfa. Since he was prohibited by contract from racing for several years, the Scuderia briefly became Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari, which ostensibly produced machine tools and aircraft accessories for Piaggio and RIV as Italy was gearing up for WWII. Ferrari did in fact produce one race car, the Tipo 815, in the non-competition period; it was thus the first actual Ferrari car, but due to the war it saw little competition. In 1943 the Ferrari factory moved to Maranello, where it has remained ever since. The factory was bombed in 1944 due to making machines for ball bearing production, it was rebuilt in 1946 to include a works for road car production. The first Ferrari road car was the 1947 125 S, powered by a 1.5-litre V12 engine; Enzo reluctantly built and sold his automobiles to fund the Scuderia. Since then, company cars, driven by the best drivers, have racked up over 5,000 successes on race tracks and roads all over the world, creating a legend. The most important achievements have been 9 Formula 1 Drivers World titles, 14 Manufacturers World titles, 8 Formula 1 Constructors World Championships, 9 wins at the Le Mans 24 Hours race, 8 at the Mille Miglia, 7 at the Targa Florio, and, up to the end of 1997, 113 wins in Formula 1 Grands Prix. While  Enzos beautiful and blazingly fast cars quickly gained a reputation for excellence, Enzo maintained a famous distaste for his customers, most of whom he felt were buying his cars for the prestige and not for racing. Ferrari has long been one of the ultimate toys for the rich and young (or young-at-heart). Ferrari cars feature highly-tuned small V8 and V12 engines, often in a mid-engined configuration. But until the introduction of fuel injection in the 1980s, they were quite temperamental and were dificult to maintain. Before the mid 1980s they carried a reputation for unreliability and bad engineering, though these were written off by enthusiasts as character. Ferrari owners have famously and religiously defended the merits of their cars while virulently criticizing other brands. PESTEL ANALYSIS: ACADAMIC REVIEW Through the appliance of PEST analysis a manager can examine their disclosure towards the set of possible surrounding problem (McGee et al.2005,p.13). Thomas, H (2007) (jain, 1981) defined PEST an early warning system for the environmental force which may impact a companys products and markets in the future. Moutinho, L and Evans,M (1992, pp.247) POLITICAL: ECONOMICAL: SOCIAL: TECHNOLOGICAL: ENVIOURAMNETAL: LEGAL: SWOT ANALYSIS: ACADAMIC REVIEW Barney gave SWOT a new meaning as a basic step for a firm to connect its resources to achieve advantages competitively. Barney (1991) Conventionally SWOT has been seen as a structure formed by properly combining various factors that are well thought-out significant in order to assess a firms planned position at a reasonable souk. Porter (1981). Synthesizing process creates value not only in aligning components, but also in creatively re-arranging them. Liedtke (2000, p. 22) STREANGHT OF FERRARI Extremely strong brand image Innovation technology Well motivated work-force Attitude towards new challenges WEEKNESS OF FERRARI Ferraris business model fuel efficiency emissions Due to huge waiting list Ferrari looses many customers. OPPERTUNITES FOR FERRARI Growth in the global market Expansion of the brand in new Market Enlargement of customer base Development of technology concept car THREATS FOR FERRARI Automotive policies from varies countries Tough competition Slow rate of expanding STREANGHT OF FERRARI: Extremely strong brand image. Products that are a fine combination of beauty aesthetics combined with unforgettable performance. The brand has connected to itself an aura of mystique. It is looked upon as a status symbol for general people. Ferrari takes on new challenges on a constant basis with a head on attitude. Innovation technology are key drivers behind every product. A very inspired, well taken care of satisfied work-force who are proud to be attached with the brand. This was further expressed publicly when Ferrari was voted the Best Place to Work in Europe 2007à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ³. WEEKNESS OF FERRARI: Ferraris business model, based around low volumes, removes the possibility of employing certain technological solutions. That same business model also limits their sales volumes even though a lot more demand is present in the market. Due to their waiting list model, they lose out on customers to the competition. A big challenge lying in wait is fuel efficiency emissions which are growing in importance every day, thanks to spreading concerns over the environment. OPPERTUNITES FOR FERRARI: Growth in the global market for high-performance super-cars due to growing economies developing nations. Expansion of the brand through entering into new important automotive markets like India wherein competitors like Porsche have already set up base. Enlargement of customer base (increase appeal of their products to a more variety of buyers) through adding comfort, roominess, luggage space, engines that are more user friendly, and so on, while at the same time maintaining traditional Ferrari characteristics-performance, style, exclusivity. Ferrari has been exploiting this aspect for a while it has been a key contributor to their success in the past 15 years. Development of technology (for example interfacing electronics with mechanical systems) has opened up new avenues to explore for their products. Packaging i.e. the concept of the car is another area which still has years to explore. THREATS FOR FERRARI: Automotive policies being pushed by countries continents all over the world which are being strictly enforced like the emission norms of 130g/km of CO2 are very difficult to keep up with due to the performance oriented nature of the engines built by Ferrari. Tough competition from other iconic super car brands like Lamborghini Porsche A competing brand like Porsche does not follow the same low volumes, high on exclusivity model which is followed by Ferrari hence sells a lot more of its products captures a large chunk of the market share. Once again, competitors like Lamborghini Porsche are expanding their product range to high performance SUVs wherein Porsche has already been very successful with its Cayenne model, all over the world in particular, in India, which has lead to its success in the Indian market. Ferrari has not announced any plans for such a product (high-performance SUV) as of yet i.e.-2009. MARKETING MIX: Product High Performance super cars. Though the company is also heavily into 3rd party merchandising. Pricing Priced at a premium, they start at prices upwardly of 175,000 $US. Vintage Ferrari cars are also a great investment as Vintage Ferraris appreciate in value are known to cost millions of US Dollars Promotions The strongest promotion for Ferrari is in its merchandising. It already enjoys immense awareness throughout the world; even in places it doesnt do any promotion. To the extent that in India, wherein the brand is not even present as of yet, it is very well known. Furthermore, the merchandising is done on a royalty license basis to other brands (E.g. Puma selling Ferrari-Puma branded shoes). Place It has its exclusive Ferrari dealerships spread over 52 countries as of yet with plans to expand its dealerships to other countries markets. People A very inspired, well taken care of satisfied work-force who are proud to be attached with the brand is what Ferrari offers its people. With factories, production units workplaces built around the safety health of its workers, Ferrari was voted the Best Place to Work in Europe 2007à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ³. Process They are reliant heavily into RD, innovation staying at the cutting edge of technology. Therefore, their process is in a constant state of flux which is forever changing adapting with what the environment around them demands. Physical Evidence Dealerships across the globe showcasing their cars along with merchandise offering the customer a lounge sort of experience rather than that of a showroom. This is done keeping in mind the lifestyle of their potential custom As from the above table BCG MATRIX: ACADAMIC REVIEW The BCG growth-share mould was extremely significant. It made noticeable the concern of allotment across companies, that some businesses should fabricate ready money that supports others. Aaker, A.D. (1988,pp.133) The fundamental compositions of the BCG mould have stayed admired and are still integrated in almost every MBA syllabus. Calandro Jr, j and lane, S (2007) Star Ferrari 275 Ferrari 360 Ferrari 420 Ferrari F512 Ferrari F60 Ferrari F70 ? Ferrari Spider 458 Ferrari hybrid F151 Ferrari F70 Cash Cow Enzo Ferrari Ferrari Mondial Ferrari Testarossa Ferrari California Dog None According to the BCG matrix, Cars like Enzo Ferrari, Mondial, Testarossa, California are the most cash generating cars of the company. This cars generates the maximum amount of the revenue for the company. Other than these Cars like Ferrari 275, 360, 420, 512, F60 and F70 are the most selling cars as it is liked by consumers. Cars like Spider, Hybrid S70 are some new project of the company which are under development. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE: As from the above figure tells us, the Enzo Ferrari car is in its Maturity period. This car has been a big success for the company since the day of its launch. Though Enzo Ferrari is an old car but cause of its revived versions taken out by the company, the car never loses its grip in the Market. PORTERS FIVE: ACADAMIC REVIEW Porters work in 1980, Competitive Strategy (book), and his set-up of the porters five force presented a structure to study the peripheral surrounding orderly as a technique of budding and ready for action tactics Michael E. Porter (1998[1980]). Calandro Jr, J and Lane, S (2007) Michael E. Porters five force model has been developed by Succeeding practitioners. Though testing such kind of examination may be extremely difficult as it do not sums up simply Robert Simpson and Antonio Davila (1998). Calandro Jr, J and Lane, S (2007) Michael E. Porter claimed if an association has to develop an aggressive tactic it should initially calculate its situation inside the business alongside the five aspects; supplier consumer bargain power, Threats to new entrants substitute, Cut- throat rivalry. Tay, L (2006) SHELL MATRIX: ACADAMIC REVIEW Business position of shell matrix appears much appropriate for a merchandise range investigation motive is a variety of aspects depicting market pleasant appearance along with industry status establishes the progression of a manufactures good beside its life tenure, Chee, H Harris, R. (1998,pp.61) Rich Elite Class Targeted Audience Luxury Hotels Airlines Europe India Strong Brand name image Loyal Customers MARKET ATTRACTIVENESSHigh Low Medium High Medium Low COMPANYS STRENGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANSOFF MATRIX: ACADAMIC REVIEW Several writers have remarked on the boundaries of strategic alternative presented towards the small firm, by good value of such features as small market share and precincts of resources and talent (e.g. Carson, 198). Watts, G et al. (1998) Ansoff (1965) some time ago assumed that strategy and objectives are interchangeable both at different points in time and different levels within the organisation. Thus elements of strategy at a high level become objectives at lower level. Adcock, D (2000,pp.21) The Ansoff growth matrix guides an organisation in relation to ocus their labours and consideration. Lake, N (2002,pp.145) New Product Existing Product MARKET PENITRATION Different Schemes. Warranty on its products. Free servicing for a specific period. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Investing in Research Development. Add new products to product range. Feedback/customer survey. MARKET DEVELOPMENT Super Bikes. Cloths/ Accessories. Airlines. Luxury Hotels. DIVERSIFICATION Airlines Existing market New Market (Model adapted from Mindtools, 2010 own research) As from the above Marketing tool we can conclude that Enzo Ferrari car the Ferrari Company has a very diverse market for Development penetration. MARKET PENITRATION: The Company has a wide scope of penetrating the market by giving its customers varies attractive schemes. These schemes can be seasonal in nature also. At present the company doesnt have any schemes like its competitors. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: The Company can widen their product range by entering into new market. Ferrari can also invest in research development to enhance its existing product range to innovate new cars. Company can also take feedbacks on its products as this can also help enhancing the product. MARKET DEVELOPMENT: The Company has a big opportunity in the new market. Ferrari can make sports Bike as it is connected to the field in which the company is from last 100 years. This new shift can add a boost to the company brand name sales. The company equally has a scope in the Domestic Airline sector. It can start a new airline as it already provides some spare parts of airplane to the company like Boeing Airbus. Luxury Hotels can also be a possible profitable business for a brand like Ferrari. DIVERSIFICATION: The Company can diversify and explore new possible field like in airline business. This field isnt new for Ferrari as it produces many spare parts and engines for small airplanes. This business is highly profitable and can increase the brand value of the Ferrari. RECOMENDATIONS The following recommendations are taken from the critical study of all the above Matrixes Analysis. Expanding the existing Market: The Ferrari needs to expand needs existing market as its fan following is the worldwide and the consumer doesnt find it easy to export the car from other country as it cost highly. The company can wider its network in countries like China, India, Brazil where their isnt a single outlet of the company but has a wide scope for Ferrari cars as this countrys economy is booming. Services: No doubt that Ferrari has an excellent quality of services for its customers. But due to its in box policy (Services are available in very limited countries) the customer think twice before buying a Ferrari Car. 3rd Party Merchandizing: Ferrari is already in the 3rd party merchandizing but in a very limited area, e.g. Caps, T-shirts, etc. The company should expand its area and try to explore new areas. This new field of merchandizing has a great opportunity as revenue can also be generated which is helpful for companys growth. Sponsorship: The company heavily invest in sponsorship especially in formula 1. Due to this mostly racing community is acquainted with the name of Ferrari. Sponsoring various even like Olympics, Football can be a great deal. This could also add some reputation to the companys image. Sponsoring a global event always attract more peoples attention than the methods of sponsoring like T.V, Radio, etc. Charity: Charity is almost done by every big firm or name as its attracts the people in an emotional way. Donating in charity always attracts media attention due to which free publicity is also created the brand name gets a moral touch in the general consumers eye. Eco-Friendly: The company should start concentrating on the eco friendly issues as the general public is getting more aware of it. Unlike other Ferrari cars has a less mileage with emission of more gasses [About 3 Lit. for a Km]. The Ferrari should make some changes in its V12 engine as it has some world best engineers with them from the eco friendly point of view. The Ferrari should also come up with a car which doesnt work on fossil fuel., e.g. Hydrogen, Water, Electricity just like its counterpart are doing to gain special attention. Due to this the image of the company can also change for good. Entering into new Financial fields: The Ferrari S.P.A is a company which is almost 100 years old but still its name isnt on any stock exchange in the world. Enlisting its name in a stock exchange can add some serious revenue inflow in the company. They should also disclose its financial Audit e.g. Profit Loss statement, Balance sheet, etc to the general public officially. Cause of this the company- customer relation can strengthen up. New methods of Brand Promotion: Ferrari should indulge into some new ways of promoting itself e.g. Internet, media, etc. Ferrari doesnt follow any promoting schemes for its Brand in anyway. Due to this the consumer arent aware of Ferrari and its new launches. The Ferrari website is so far the best website in the internet but it still needs some improvement e.g. If the visitor could make its own Ferrari car in a innovated way. This technique can be used not only form the gaming points of view but also economically. If the customers are allowed to choose how their car will be it could be a great deal. Even from the hits on the site which are made by the visitors, the revenue can be generated. Ferrari should advertise in social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc where they can grab the attention of the general public directly with a more effective way. Exploring new possibilities: The Company should explore new possibilities in terms of its Car range. Although the Brand name Ferrari is known for its Super Sports Car but to grab new market in this competitive world the company should launch some variants of cars in new segments like SUV, Luxury, Small, etc. This possible increase the sales of the company with the brand name more familiar and household. There is also a lot of opportunities for Ferrari in this new segments of cars. The company can also explore its possibilities in sports bikes segment as it only manufactures sports cars. This new tag can go with the Ferrari. Cost cautious Policy: The company can be a bit cost cautious as the cheapest Ferrari is about $300,000, which is a large amount. By reducing the cost of the car the sales of the company can increase, as there are many people who are willing to buy this car. The company can also use its hand in the car reselling market. This could also generate a fair amount of money. By increasing the sales, employment in the company will also increase as there is just hand full of labours in Ferrari due to its modernised and mechanised techniques of making cars. BIBLOGRAPY Aaker, A.D. (1988) Strategic Marketing Management.5th ed. United States of America, Courier/Westford. Adcock, D. (2000) Marketing Strategies for Competitive Advantage. Midsomer Norton, Bookcraft (Bath) Ltd. Calandro Jr, J and Lane, S. (2007) Conceptual paper. A New Competitive Analysis Tool: the relative profitability and growth matrix [Internet], 35(2), pp.30-38. Available from: [Accessed 6 December 2010]. Chee, H and Harris, R. (1998) Global Marketing Strategy. GREAT BRITAIN, FINANCIAL TIMES PITMAN PUBLISHING. Lake, N. (2002) The Strategic Planning Workbook. Great Britain, Clays Ltd. Mindtools.(2010) Ansoff Matrix [Internet]. Available from: [Accessed 7 December 2010]. Moutinho, L and Evans, M. (1992) Applied Marketing Research. Harlow, England, Addison Wesley. Tay, L. (2006) Case study. Strategic facilities management of Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre: A case study [Internet], 24(3/4), pp.120-131. Available from: [Accessed 7 December 2010]. Thomas, H. (2007) Viewpoint. An analysis of the environment and competitive dynamics of management education [Internet], 26(1), pp.9-21. Available from: [Accessed 5 December 2010]. Watts, G et al. (1998) Research paper. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Research [Internet], 4(2), pp. 101-111. Available from: [Accessed 5 December 2010]. Ferrari FAQ. (2006). Ferrari History.[Internet]. Available from :. [Last accessed 13th November 2010].

Saturday, October 12, 2019

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Essays -- English Literature Essays

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Your memories are your treasures, an accumulated amount of wealth that under extreme conditions remind you of the past and define the present, if it be good or bad. A picture for example, is a frame captured in the moving animation of time and is frequently regarded as being worth a thousand words. If one single frame, one dimension, one moment, something so short it can’t even be expressed by time, be valued as a thousand words. Then take into consideration a memory, something which takes into account of all sense, takes consideration to time, mind, emotion and thought, something that has infinite value and is only second to the present and by all means of ever so advancing technology has yet to be mimicked. Yet there is one device that has this ability and has been used for thousands of years, literature. A narrow mined answer would probably be poetry, but even with the extremities of poetry to allow such powerful passages of events; basic literature is still the foundation for every other category including poetry. It works by your mind building the â€Å"memory†, which in turns becomes yours. Your newly acquired memory is unique in itself and nobody else shares it the same. Something that is felt through William Wordsworth’s â€Å"I wandered lonely as a cloud† and expresses such extreme emotion but does in such a manner that allows the reader to evaluate there need for such a place, a place to come back to, to look into their mind and to reminisce th...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Who Was to Blame for the Cuban Missile Crissis

Who was to blame for the Cuban missile crisis? The U. S had part of this crisis as they overreacted to the fact that the U. S. S. R was importing missiles into Cuba. They made Cuba tense because they tried to invade Cuba twice. The Cubans needed and help and the U. S. S. R were there to help. If the U. S didn’t try to invade Cuba then it wouldn’t cause so much tension thus the crisis not happening. Also if they haven’t set up a base in Turkey then this wouldn’t have led the Russians to put missiles in Cuba. Over-reacted to situation and led to escalation of conflict. The U.S wanted to help Cuban exiles to overthrow the Castro government (which was hostile to USA). CIA under President Eisenhower had sought to help the anti-Castro rebels to overthrow the regime. Organised Operation Zapata that was carried out on 17th April 1961. Failed miserably. America followed this with Operation Mongoose which aimed to destabilise Cuba through acts of sabotage, economic warfare through embargo on Cuban imports, increasing Cuban’s diplomatic isolation through its expulsion from the Organisation of American States and simulating military exercises (code named Ortsac) aimed at toppling an imaginary dictator. Edwards, 2002: 127-8). America was trying to topple Castro through isolating Cuba, and in doing so, increased the hostility of the Castro regime against the USA and accentuated the fear of invasion, thereby prompting Castro to turn to Moscow for help to defend Cuba from America. (Because Castro was aware that Cuba could not possibly defend herself against America. ) (Edwards 2002: 126, 128) The U. S. S. R is also to blame as they were taking advantage of the fact that Cuba was close to the U. S. This creates tension for the U.S as this poses a threat to their security. This act made the U. S feel threatened thus taking action. Should not have gotten involved with Cuba? Feb 1960: Extended $100 million worth of credits to Cuba. (Edwards, 2002 : 125) May 1962: USSR deployed regiments and weapons to Cuba, including nuclear cruise missiles and mid-range ballistic missiles that could strike targets in USA’s interior. Had stationed 40,000 military personnel in Cuba. This was an indication of economic expansion into an area that ranked high on America’s defence priority.Sponsorship of Castro’s regime and subsequent creation of a de-facto military base in Cuba appeared to be a deliberate affront to America’s national security. Cuba’s strategic importance to America can be likened to Poland’s importance to USSR. Transporting of military aid (especially missiles) to Cuba thus escalated a crisis between 2 neighbouring countries into a Cold War issue that threatened World peace. Cuba can also be blamed, they got paranoid over the U.S invasion so they used one of the powerful countries to guarantee its safety. If they weren’t as paranoid Manipulated super-power politics to guarantee s ecurity of borders and to legitimise the new Castro regime . E. g. Turned to USSR for economic and military help, so that it would not have to play the role of a submissive little brother to America. Castro: â€Å"Moscow is our brain and our great leader. † By using USSR as a counter-weight to USA, Cuba was shrewdly manipulating super-power politics for its own advantage.Castro was aware that Cuba’s distance from Moscow meant that it would be given a large measure of independence from Moscow, as opposed to the tight leash that it would be kept on had they decided to concede to American superiority. Therefore, the escalation of conflict was to some extent orchestrated by Cuba for her own benefit, as it meant that she would not have to fight the American behemoth on her own, but had USSR’s backing. Consequences to missile Cuban crisis-) Led to a thaw in USA-USSR relations, as both parties were aware that their rivalry had almost led to an all-out nuclear war (mutu ally-assured destruction).Establishment of direct hotline from Washington White House to Kremlin to facilitate high level discussion between leaders of the 2 countries so as to help defuse tensions. (20th June 1963)Signing of the nuclear test-ban treaty (June 1963). Both countries agreed to cease atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. But underground testing was still permitted. However, take note that although the Cuban Missile Crisis ended, US hostility towards Cuban regime continued, even though Kennedy briefly explored the option of negotiating with Castro via unofficial channels.Resumption of Operation Mongoose June 1963. Acts of economic sabotage organised by CIA. Plans to assassinate Castro (Operation Condor) remained in place. Therefore, this shows clearly that it was USSR’s involvement that made the conflict between Cuba and USA escalate into the Cuban Missile Crisis in the first place, due to USSR’s provision of missiles to Cuba. Without USSR’s involv ement, it would have remained a conflict between America and Cuba. USSR, USA and Cuba all had a part to play in the utbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but it was USA who first over-reacted to the threat posed by a leftist regime in Cuba, and had created a self-fulfilling prophecy by taking unjustified pre-emptive strikes such as Operation Zapata and Mongoose that scared Cuba into thinking that her national security was threatened, and thus made her turn to USSR as a strong backer in order to secure her own security. Thus USA was chiefly to blame as she tried to secure her national interest at the expense of other nations, and thus led to the escalation of tensions as nations sought to secure their self-interest by scaring the other into retreat.Had USA not over-reacted, a peaceful compromise could have been achieved earlier and the scare that was the Cuban Missile Crisis could have been averted. Moreover, USSR’s delving into the conflict was also partly in response to previ ous US stationing of Jupiter missiles in Turkey, which had essentially held USSR at gun-point, thus USSR’s decision to place missiles in Cuba was justified as it was trying to make USA understand the peril of being placed at gun-point. Therefore, I disagree with the above statement, as USA, more than USSR was to blame for the outbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Nectar in a Sieve

D AP World History Theme Analysis Our world is impacted by many things. Social structures, politics, economics, the environment, and our interactions affect how we live. They create the history of our world. In Nectar in a Sieve, many of these themes are represented. Gender roles and relations have always had an impact in societies. Men often believe they have the upper hand over women. It shows in the way females are treated. When Rumi was married to Nathan, she had to leave her family and go to his land.He didn’t have to live where show comfortable or on a neutral territory. Young women are often uprooted from their family and rarely see them again. When Ira had a child out of wedlock, she was looked down upon by many. However when a man does the same, there is no judgment and criticism. Nate impregnated Kunthi twice yet Rumi took him back without a problem (p. 84-85) Agricultural and pastoral productions are the center of life for millions of humans. The same can be said fo r the characters in Nectar in a Sieve.In the village, farming is how most survive. They live off the land. Without the land, there’s no income or food. They sell their crops, give their profit to the landlord, and save a portion of the crops for their families. Rumi and Nathan grow a variety of crops. When nature doesn’t work in their favor, their lives become difficult. Often the crops are ruined by droughts. During these times everyone struggles to survive. Rumi’s family became malnourished when the rains didn’t deliver. Her son, Kuti died from starvation. p. 99-100) The importance of the land is shown when they lose their land and homelessness is forced upon them. (p. 130-135) Land represented hope for Rumi. (p. 132) Without agriculture, the villagers would not survive. Trade and commerce is one of the main ways humans gain what they need. In Nectar in a Sieve, trade controls who has what and who survives. The tannery is the center of commerce. Village rs come to buy and bargain. As the years past, Rumi watches the tannery change, for worst in her opinion.It becomes harder to sell, trade, and buy because the economics of village change as new people move in. The tannery is looked at as the place of money so two of her sons get jobs there. Rumi resents the tannery because it represents change that she feels is not needed. Although themes look complicated on paper, they fit perfectly into our world and the world in Nectar in a Sieve. Male and females have double standards. Agriculture is the basis of life and survival in the village. Trade and commerce help villagers make money and get necessities to survive. These themes translate into real life.

Meaningful Work

I believe that meaningful work means doing a job that fulfills what you want to achieve. This may be in the form of money or prestige or simply self-satisfaction. It should be the easiest way to get to where you want to be. Most people view their jobs as terrible, hard or boring tasks that need to be done just to survive. I, however, would rather look at work as something to enjoy while making sure I get something I want in return. Hating one’s job seems to be a public consensus. Very few appreciate their work.   Calvin, in the comic series, Calvin and Hobbes, is popular for saying â€Å"It’s only work if somebody makes you do it.† Most people look at their jobs as stressful because of the pressure that goes with it: deadlines, hard-to-please employers and waking up early after sleeping late the night before. If we really think about it, it is not any different from school. At least in a job, you get paid not just a grade. People would rather avoid work because of the pressure. However, stress management is something we all can learn because â€Å"stress is a response to pressure.† (What Is Work) To handle pressure, we must learn how to balance work and life instead of letting it rule our lives. Sir James M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, once said â€Å"nothing is really work unless you would rather do something else† but I believe that to achieve great things, we need to change our view of work. In the book, â€Å"The Lazy Way To Success – How To Do Nothing And Accomplish Everything,† the author, Fred Gratzon, believes that the â€Å"basis of success is not hard work. The basis of success is doing less.† (25) What he meant was that by thinking clearly of how to solve our problems (money, most of the time), we can find solutions that do not necessarily take our happiness away. Gratzon believes that if you put the problem in its correct perspective, you can think of easier ways to get what you want less anxiety and effort. Gratzon is right. Work, I believe is important to achieve what I want or need. It may be money or prestige or happiness. Whatever my goals would be in the future will determine my chosen jobs someday. Realistically, I know I can’t always get the job I want but I believe that I can choose the right attitude and do what I need to do to get what I want. Work is not a pain but a means for me to gain. Work is the way to put meaning in my life. Works Cited â€Å"What Is Work Related Stress?† 2006 Gratzon, Fred. The Lazy Way To Success – How To Do Nothing And Accomplish Everything. Iowa: Soma Press, 2002.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Alliance between General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen Essay

The Alliance between General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen - Essay Example This paper illustrates that competition is forcing rival firms to join hands for developing a better position in the market and also enhance their resource base. The number of alliances, partnerships, ventures, and mergers have increased in the last decade in the corporate sector. However, Hoffmann mentioned that creating alliances is a complex process which can also result in negative outcomes if the allies do not measure the variables of the process in a proper manner. General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen have created a customized approach for following up with their alliance plan and created a separate committee for members by selecting key personnel of both the organizations to manage the alliance activities. The researcher is a member of the committee and hence will reflect on the plans and activities being performed within the alliance.The alliance between General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen was formed mainly with the view of developing a better resource base for the opera tions of both the companies on the global scale. The strategic alliance between the companies is expected to build their organizational capabilities in response to the challenges faced by the firms in the global marketplace. One of the most crucial considerations which urge firms to engage in mergers and alliances is to reduce the cost of operations. The organizational processes related to the formation of an alliance are structured by the top management of the companies. In the case of GM and PSU Peugeot Citroen, Weinmann and Thomas mentioned that this alliance will lead to the union of the American and European automobile industry and enhance the scope of a production process for the firms as well as will create more options for the customers in all the marketing zones of the concerned organizations. In the context of specific objectives, GM is focused on designing new and innovative production process whereas PSU Peugeot Citroen will utilize the market base of GM for entering the major markets of Asia and America.   The planning stage of the alliance as reported in various media means has highlighted that organizational needs of the allies have been accurately shared and balanced by the firms. This has reduced the liability of the allies and also boosted the level of trust among the partners.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Business strategy - Essay Example Disruptors also play a major role for gaining competitive advantages. Disruptors break old boundaries of business and implements new things into business. This case study describe about the rhetoric structure and disruptors of Ford Company. By managing knowledge effectively the Ford implemented a disruptor which created a competitive advantage for the company. The company’s different rhetoric structure contributed a lot to enhance its products and business process. Ford invented a very innovative technology which helped the company to design its one of best selling truck. The company used aluminium in a high quantity to make the body of truck. It became an important feature for the company for saving its cost. The competitor of Ford does not have such features in its product. It helped the company in many ways to gain its market. The case study chosen revolves around best-selling pick-up truck of Ford. Ford F-150 contributed majorly towards global profit margins of the company. The company gained competitive advantage through designing a vehicle of aluminium. This was a rare concept and helped in reducing fuel consumption rate to desirable extent. Automobile industry is a part of oligopoly market structure. This industry is dominated by big five players such as General Motors, Ford, Honda, Toyota and Chrysler. There are certain key objectives of Ford’s competitors which can be stated as acquiring maximum profit share, technological leadership, growth of market share and service leadership. Ford comprises of 8 brands – Ford, Volvo, Land Rover, Jaguar, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and Aston Martin. Differentiation techniques have been adopted by the organization in order to stay competitive in the market place. Safety, advanced technology and innovative designs are the basis of their competency set. P orter’s five forces model can be applied on Ford in order

Monday, October 7, 2019

Unit 5 speer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 speer review - Essay Example Par 5, line 2 and 3: â€Å"This irony here is that the product was at first quite a disaster†. The sentence is unclear or rather ambiguous. Despite its weak construction, the irony being referred to is nonexistent. Par 5, line 3: â€Å"Sven Mattisson, the man behind the technology stated:..† The extra information â€Å"the man behind the technology† should have been enclosed with commas. Moreover, instead of the colon efore the direct quotation, a simple comma should have been used. So the sentence should look like: â€Å"Sven Mattisson, the man behind the technology, stated, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The content is quite appealing. The introduction is organized and guides the reader throughout the essay by providing an ostensible road map. While the content is profound, little has been done on the development of the Bluetooth technology. The inclusion of the stepwise development of the technology would have bolstered the quality of the essay and the argument being

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Peer response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Peer response - Article Example re that manager or leaders of nursing homes have comprehensively evaluated techniques and strategies that would ensure continued existence of these nursing homes. Factors that are within management’s control are costs, which they deemed, should be kept at a minimum, to generate profits, as needed. Another comment is that team learning and shared mental models are internal factors that management could tap to increase job satisfaction and productivity (Bossche, Gijselaers, Segers, Woltjer, & Kirschner, 2011). But these alone, could not ensure increased profits, if and when not enough revenues are generated by nursing homes. I share the same contention, however, that ‘in times of economic scarcity, cutting back on teamwork is a mistake, as teamwork is needed then more than ever’. Actually, in diverse settings, regardless of economic condition, organizations should harness the power of teamwork as a means of improving performance and productivity. Teamwork should go beyond teams in respective departments of the organizations; but more so, the collaborative departments that comprise the entire organization. As such, shared decision models would be useful in soliciting responsible inputs from different departments to facilitate achievement of the organization’s