Friday, October 18, 2019

Listening carefully to the use of the female voice, research the Essay

Listening carefully to the use of the female voice, research the womans silence, articulateness, and her scream with regard to Carson and Choins claims about - Essay Example This is reflected in the new stories that we make up in our films and on television. However, this does not mean that these concepts can’t change. As the ideas surrounding the female voice have been explored by Hollywood during the course of its history, the female voice, and ideas about it, is seen to be undergoing a subtle shift, gradually acknowledging that the woman’s voice has greater strength than she has been given credit for or been permitted to use. To gain a greater understanding of the female voice, a brief history of the voice will be explored as foundation for discussion of current views which will be applied to specific films emerging from Hollywood either created or depicting different time periods. From very early history, women have been defined as a sort of sub-human who existed only on the margins of civilization yet strongly contained within this civilization. In discussing the role of women in ancient Greece, Anne Carson () illustrates how Alkaios uses the women’s voices around him to illustrate his isolation and exile. Alkaios writes that he is among the wolves, which are animals associated with the outlaw because they exist on the fringes of the community, living in the wild off of the leavings or extraneous elements of civilization. â€Å"Women, in the ancient view, share this territory spiritually and metaphorically in virtue of a ‘natural’ female affinity for all that is raw, formless and in need of the civilizing hand of man. So, for example, in the document cited by Aristotle that goes by the name of The Pythagorean Table of Opposites, we find the attributes curving, dark, secret, evil, ever-moving, not self-contained and lacking its own bounda ries aligned with Female and set over against straight, light, honest, good, stable, self-contained and firmly bounded on the Male side† (Carson: 124). Part of the origins

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